The main objective on the development of this RTEMS tool is to provide developers an easy way to configure RTEMS applications.

The idea for this tool arose from the fact that an application developed for the RTEMS system needs several the configuration parameters to be difinedwhich can be overlooked on its configuration phase by the application developer who is developing it.

This tool tries to simplify the  development process of RTEMS applications through the introduction of a graphical interface for its configuration , which is complemented with contextual help when the situation justifies.

At the same time it allows the management of resources used by the RTEMS application and this way minimize resource usage .


The RTEMS Application Configuration Tool allows users to:

  • easily configure a RTEMS application and at the same time permit minimum resource usage .
  • use the Eclipse environment for the development of RTEMS applications as a plug-in.
  • launch a standalone instance of the tool through the commandline .
  • configure relevant options in an easy manner with the aid of contextual help for each one.
  • check the application’s memory footprint .

The RTEMS Application Configuration tool GUI provides access to the configuration of elements of RTEMS Applications such as:

  • RTEMS managers ;
  • Stacks (number of stacks, extra stacks, presence of floating point stack);
  • Objects (maximum number of objects according to their type);
  • Libraries (C and Math);
  • Debug (remote stub and symbols);
  • File System ;
  • Networking;